Genk, Belgium
Genk, Belgium
The reconversion of Genk’s former ‘grand place’ into a ‘green place’ replaces 30% of the hardscape with an urban forest. Although surrounded by lush landscapes, the city center had become a concrete desert, creating a heat island during the summer. Now, surrounding terraces are planted with trees, providing 40% canopy cover. In the heart of this urban forest, a playground for children is flanked by two generous benches. The center has once again become a place where people gather.

Year: 2021 – 2026
Client: City of Genk
Design Team: Bureau Bas Smets
In collaboration with: Gijs Van Vaerenbergh, Atelier Ruimtelijk Advies
Photographs (1, 2, 3, 4, 5): Stad Genk
Photographs (6, 7, 8): Michiel De Cleene